why is our logo a pineapple?

This once-rare fruit was so prized, colonial-era hostesses would rent them, just to have the exotic fruit adorn their tables (like Rent the Runway for fruit?) Pineapples have since evolved into a symbol of warmth, welcome, and hospitality...that's the heart of Dayhouse. We encourage our members to embrace the same attitude with everyone who walks in the door. 

Our core values center around three concepts:
Welcoming. Hi. Hello. Come on in and tell us about yourself. How can we make your day better?
Holistic. We curate programs and amenities for the whole person, not just workday needs. From healthy snacks, to free telehealth space bookings, to our complimentary gift wrapping station, we know there’s more on your mind than just your job.
Woman-positive. Dayhouse is open to all, and we invite all to support woman-fueled endeavors, as well as the works of those representing historically marginalized groups.


Welcome to Dayhouse. COMe TAKE A TOUR.
